Any impressionist you need
FIRENZE, Italy, 26.03.2005
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Nikolai E.

Whose paintings do we see in theis showcase? The one at the lower right corner must be one of Monet 'Waterlillies', right?
I wonder if they have a Munch in here? 'Skriket' is still missing :)

Nicely framed photo of this art shop, sorry we cannot read the price tags :)
Kristoffer L.

Hmm... van Gogh, Magritte(?), Botero, Monet and Klee. It is a nice collection, but probably posters or reproductions only?

Anyway, your picture is a nice storefront portrait. ;-)

- Kristoffer

Judit W.

Thank you for your comments!

These paintings aren't original at all, of course, and it is shameful to see this kind of stores in Firenze ... But if anybody is interested in buying anything, the owner can present all famous painters' ''works''.

You are right: Van Gogh, Monet, Gaugain, Magritte, Botero, Klee and many others in the store ...

Judit :)
Kristoffer L.

I missed Gaugin! Is it the one right of Van Gogh, partly hidden? I do not recognize that one, shame on me. ;-)

I do not oppose to good (certified) reproductions, but I certainly share your view about souvenir shops like this. On the other hand, I still mourn the loss of a large canvas I bought at Madrid's Prado Museum -- a triptych originally painted by one of my old heroes, Hieronymus Bosch. I accidentally left it at a hotel I stayed at a week later, in Paris. 21 years have passed, but from time to time, I am still thinking of going back to Prado once more, to pick up the same picture again. ;-)

- Kristoffer
Judit W.

Hi Kristoffer,

Sorry ... It seems somebody has bought Gauguin's work already ... or the one behind Van Gogh's work can be Gauguin's painting. Does it matter? :)

But to leave Hieronymus Bosch's large canvas in a hotel in Paris?! How could it happen? You have to go back, not only to Madrid - but to Paris too ... and you have to stay there until you find the original one! :)

However, my favourite painters are: Hieronymus Bosch -> Vincent Van Gogh -> Salvador Dalí.

Judit :)


Hi Nikolai,

I didn't find Munch's ''Skriket'' in this store at all, so I think the Norwegian police has to work more, and I hope the experts will solve the problem soon.

Judit :)
Kristoffer L.

You are absolutely right. In this shop, Gaugin or not the question of importance. ;-)

I don't remember exactly how I lost the Bosch canvas. I was a backpacker, carrying far too much stuff around. I probably forgot it at the hotel when checking out. It was a ''disasterous'' trip. Hitchhiking home through Germany, I forgot my beloved Nikon F2, an extension of my right arm, in the backseat of a car when leaving at Puttgarten. Otherwise, the trip was great, one of the best journeys I have ever had. ;-)

If you are interested, many of the pictures in my People and places series, as well as the Guys and dolls series, were taken in Paris with this camera.

Anyway, Bosch - van Gogh - Dalí is an excellent line of artists. They are among my absolute favourites as well.

- Kristoffer ;-)
Kristoffer L.

Ehh... 1. line: Gaugin or not is not the question of importance. Sorry.
Judit W.

Hei Kristoffer!

Travelling back to Paris and Madrid, don’t forget to stop in Cadaqués, in the very first village in Spain near by the French border at the Mediterranean Sea. Salvador Dalí spent his vacations in his childhood at his beloved grandparents there. The village is very beautiful and tourists didn’t discover it until 1992 when I was there last time. If you are there, visit the Dalí Museum in Figueras as well – the building is extraordinary, of course, what was Dalí’s home in his life. Unfortunately, it is forbidden to make any photo inside – you have to leave your (beloved) camera in the cloakroom. Don’t worry about leaving it or anything there – the workers in the museum will keep it until your next visit :)

Barcelona is an exciting place as well with its famous architect Antoni Gaudí about whom I published an article in an architectural scientific review three years ago.

I will send you a picture about the Dalí Museum.

Judit :)
Kristoffer L.

Actually, I stopped in Figueras, just to visit Dali's museum on that same trip. It was extraordinary; a happening to remember for the rest of my life. Of course, I was frustrated when I needed to deposit my photo equipment at the entrance, and wished I had had a small pocket camera with me. However, some (maybe even the best) memories you can only keep in your head and your heart anyway, and this is among them.

My stop in Barcelona was too short to see much of Gaudi, but I know I will go back to see more. It would have been quite interesting to read your article about him...

- Kristoffer
Judit W.

I agree with your opinion about the memories ...

I will upload the article ('Will Ever Gaudí Be Canonized?’) on my website when it is ready. Maybe this summer ...

The 150th anniversary of Gaudí’s birth gave the idea of writing and publishing the article in 2002.

Judit :)
Judit W.

Hei Nikolai!

I have a good news for you :) I have founded the Munch's work 'Skriket' at Mikal Strøm's area. The title is 'Absolut Scream.' :)

Judit :)
Nikolai E.

No!! It's gone! Who can have taken it? I know this special edition of ''Skriket'' but now i can't find it. Somebody has called out for a scream, absolutely. Pls call the police ;)
Judit W.

The other picture, what Mikal Strøm has at his area, is ''It Wasn't Me..'' :) He proves with this photo that ''It Was Absolutely Him..'' :)

Judit :)
Nikolai E.

Hey Judit! Now i opened another back door to Mr Strøms area and guess what i found there: bilde nr. 175352

Hehehe i have to admit i did a lousy reseach last night :)

BTW could it be this guy sitting here working on his masterpiece? bilde nr. 183440
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