Lenin, me and The Last Supper - four versions

MÜNCHEN, Germany, 23.01.2005
  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2005-07-21 23:58:03
    Versjon #2
  • Lagt inn: 2005-07-22 00:00:12
    Versjon #3
  • Lagt inn: 2005-07-23 20:00:37
    Versjon #4
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Kritikker (13)
Per Ove H.

This picture was a bit of a challenge. I had to google to se what was Warhol and what was Watson. After a while I even understood (I think) what ''Lenin and me'' meant.

Creativity, art and humour - a great combination.

Olav L.

A good idea this, with the reflection of the photographer and Warhol's Lenin.
However, I can't say this is my cup of tea. There's a lack of that certain something here for me.
In addition, there's just too much refelction over the painting which makes it come off as being quite bland.

Judit W.

Thank you, Per Ove, for your nice comment! I hope I didn't make you work hard :) It's always important what you personally think about anybody's picture :) I am sure that you solved and understood the ''problem'' well :)

Judit :)
Judit W.

Hei O,

It was only by chance being on this photo ... When I came home from Germany last January and downloaded the pictures into my pc noticed me on this photo. ''Only'' four persons and the ceiling reflect on the Warhol's painting, the rest is the part of the picture ... But you are right :)

May I invite you for a better ''cup of tea'' sometime in the future?

Judit :)
Olav L.

Judit, I'll have tea and crumpets with you anytime, darlin'! hehehe
Judit W.

OK, and thank you for your comment, of course! :))

Judit :)
Jan Frode A.

The reflections in your photo, also shows a version of 'The Last Supper'. Is this also Andy Warhol's work? I know he worked with several drawings and paintings based on da Vinci's 'Last Supper'.

Well; Lenin, Jesus and the four persons in the same photo. The photographer in work while the 3 other is standing with their hands in the pockets (I think), makes me smile. There is a sense of humor in this ;-)

mvh Jan Frode
Judit W.

Hei Jan Frode,

You have set me the lesson :) I had to recall my memories and it was difficult after a half year :)) There's no doubt the ''Last Supper'' is on the Warhol's painting; I have remembered it in this way ... I have enlarged my photo as well and checked it very carefully. The ''Last Supper'' is on my face and on my pullover too. So, it wouldn't be there (on me and on the other three reflected guys) if the picture would have reflected from the opposite wall.

During this ''hard work”, I was surfing on the Internet to find this Warhol's picture there.


I wasn't lucky in this case but I have found almost exactly the same ''Lenin'' what was totally red, except his face, and it hadn't any ''Last Supper'' at all. You can find some other interesting portraits there as well. Have a nice search/browsing! ;)

Thank you for your comment :)

Judit :)
Nikolai E.

What an extraordinary picture! I have been looking at it a couple of times and everytime i discover something new. And with a great help of the previous comments, which i find very interesting. To Olav i would like to say it is the reflections that makes this picture :)

I'm seeing tree ''layers''.
The warhol paint,
The four spectators,
The background

Lenin appears almost ghostly. His head seems floating, like it is his spirit that materialises this way.
His is high above, is he a giant? Still the spectators seems to be looking at the book, ''Das Kapital''?
The background makes this setting almost mysterous. I can't help thinking of The Da Vinci Code...

And not to forget, as already been emphasised, don't take it too seriously! :)
Judit W.

I have uploaded two new versions here. I used the first one from the Internet:


There is the one of over 100 Warhol's ''Last Supper'' paintings. The other one is the info table of ''Lenin'' at the PINAKOTHEK DER MODERNE in München.

Judit :)
Judit W.

Hei Nikolai,

You made me laugh with your comment! :)) It is just so funny. Lenin is the key-figure among the three layers you mentioned ... He is the mediatory person – after a bit less than one hundred years he lived :)

Thank you for your comment too!

Judit :)
Kristoffer L.

Lening is paling, and so are we. And maybe Jesus, too?

This is a reflection-in-reflection picture, meaning that along the way, we lose some definition, contrast and texture. In this picture, we can see how it affects tones and clarity.

The picture is more ingenious than it looks at first sight, and somewhat funny/paradoxical. In case you would wish the layers to be more easily spotted, I will send you a draft where I have enhanced contrast and texture somewhat, to make various elements of the picture stand somewhat more out.

- Kristoffer
Judit W.

Thank you, Kristoffer, for your nice and useful comment. I appreciate it very, very much. Also thanks for your version what I uploaded here just some minutes ago.

Judit :)
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