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Kritikker (8)
Nikolai E.

Very nice picture, I like it in black-and-white. She's in the middle, however the placing of the people makes the composition very interesting.
Olav L.

I like the grainy, black and wahite here as well. The composition of the woman alone in a pond (too few to be a sea) of people is also very good. However, what ruins it for me is that its seems a tad too much out focus, like it was taken from far away with a digital zoom.
Judit W.

Thank you for your nice words.

This is the first time that I have removed the colours because the original picture almost doesn’t have any other colour than black and white (and grey, of course). I like this version too.

OLS: You are right. I was rather far from that group when I made some snapshots at a meeting some weeks ago, and this woman wasn’t in the focus at all. Only here at home I have founded this part the most interesting.

But I can see now that I need to buy a better camera soon. Maybe this year, before my next bigger trip ... :)

Judit :)
Pål Hilmar S.

The lonely feeling I get when looking at this picture, makes the different. I really like the mood it sets me in.
Jan Frode A.

I really enjoy this square format black & white work.

The woman in motion, the peoples around standing still.
She's very well focused on, not technical focus (sharp), but as the chief motive in this photo. I really enjoy her attitude.

A nice piece of work, well done.

Regards Jan Frode
Judit W.

Thank you for the nice words in your comments.

It seems the photo successfully reflects this young woman's hesitation what I tried to show. We can only hope she met him/her (?) whom she was ''Waiting'' for …

Judit :)
Mone S.

Nice picture. A feeling of movement and lonelyness while she`s walking inn a croud. A very good picture.
Mvh Mone
Judit W.

Thank you, Mone, for your nice words.

Judit :)
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